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Ellen Sherby
Coordinator, Equipping for Mission Involvement
(800) 728-7228, x5612
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Create a Partnership Covenant or Agreement Together
The purpose and characteristics of an effective partnership in mission is examined.

General Guidelines for International Partnerships

Identifying a Mission Partner

Google Me A Mission!

Resources for Partnership

Presbyterians Do Mission in Partnership

Why Partnership? Partners as Mentors
Hunter Farrell, Lima, Peru, January 1999

Resources for mission advocates
The art of networking
Mission Networks that Work
MGB World Mission Advocates Gathering May 2009
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It is time to rehabilitate missionary
David Dawson

Funding for PC(USA) Mission Coworkers
Handout explains how to support mission workers through Extra Commitment Opportunities and Directed Mission Support

Share the contemporary mission story in your presbytery
How to get the most out of a mission speaker

How to connect with a Presbyterian mission worker

How to organize World Mission Challenge in your presbytery

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) resources for mission involvement
“Google me a mission”
Learn how to use the Internet to access information about a wide variety of Presbyterian mission programs and activities! Well-informed use of the Internet can be an effective means of mission education for you and your congregation.

Rafting Together: creative approaches to mission interpretation
“Rafting Together”

Faithful and effective short-term mission
Partnership Resources Handout

God’s mission and our participation
An Introduction to Mission Theology
Rev. Dr. Karla Ann Koll

Assessing Your Congregation’s Global Mission Involvement

Discerning a Congregation’s Call

Encouraging missional churches
Encouraging Missional Churches
For best results, right-click the download link (or click and use “control” key for Macintosh) and save the file.

Coming back home to share: engaging presentations
Engaging presentations

Crossing borders: interfaith and intercultural engagement
Interfaith Toolkit flier

Mission networks
Guidelines for Mission Networks
These guidelines explain the definition, constituencies, staffing, services and purpose of the relationship between Presbyterian World Mission and Mission Networks.

Characteristics of Network Weavers
A link to a list of several traits that help facilitate the building of mission networks within the PC(USA) model.

Engaging in mission
El Poder de las Manos Vacias
Hunter Farrell examines how the mission worker should put material wealth into perspective when visiting third world countries. He reminds us that the mission worker may be the one to receive “gifts.”

English version: “The Power of Empty Hands”

Churches Retool Mission Trips
This article examines mistakes made by well-meaning Presbyterians on short term mission trips and presents new approaches for more meaningful missionary work.

Books and articles on mission engagement and partnership
Partnership Resources Handout

Book Review — Boundless Faith: The Global Outreach of American Churches

Booknote — Duane Elmer. Cross-Cultural Servanthood: Serving the World in Christlike Humility. Reviewed by Sherron George

Booknote — Ogbu Kalu, Peter Vethanayagamony & Edumnd Kee-Fook Chia (Ed.)Mission after Christendom: Emergent Themes in Contemporary Mission.Reviewed by Sherron George

Crossroad Conference 2010
Spiritual / Psychological / Administrative Principles and Practices Helpful for Raising Support for PC(USA) mission workers

Download videos from the conference

Global Partners Panel video
Milton Mejia, Veeda Javaid, and Veronica Muchiri spoke at the October 2010 Mission Crossroads Conference. At the Global Partners Panel, partners shared perspectives and reactions to world mission strategic direction.

Watch this video →

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Kim Bobo Panel video

Kim Bobo, the executive director of interfaith worker justice and co-author of Organizing for Social Change, spoke at the October 2010 Mission Crossroad Conference. Kim discussed effective networking skills and brought a lot of her tools from political organizing to bear on Mission Network organizing.

Watch this video →

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Download the presentation →

World Mission Celebration ’09 resources
Becoming Missional through the Global Church

Christians and Muslims as partners in mission

The Mission of the Church
Mary Mikhael, President, Near East School of Theology

The New Face of Mission in Africa — skit

Our Confessions – God’s Assurance
Cláudio Carvalhaes

Going Deeper: The Power of Presbyterian Mission in Jesus’ Way
Plenary Presentation Thursday, 22 October 2009
Hunter Farrell

Reformed Principles for Social Witness, Public Responsibility and Social Justice Advocacy

Resources for engaging your church in world mission

Training for online resources forms cheat sheet
Instructions for creating surveys that can be sent via email. Uses the forms section of Google docs.

How to participate in a webinar
This tutorial explains how to use Go To Meeting to take part in a webinar.


Mission Crossroads is a web-based wisdom community which facilitates networking among mission participants, aids communication among members of mission-related groups, and provides a forum in which those engaged in mission may share ideas and experiences, both good and bad, so that future mission endeavors can be more effective.


Mission Crossroads magazine is a free, three-times-a-year periodical focused on the worldwide work of the PC(USA). It offers news and feature stories about mission personnel, international partners and grassroots Presbyterians involved in God’s mission in the world.


Greg Allen-Pickett is now a member of Mission Crossroads PC(USA)

Elizabeth Searles commented on Burkhard Paetzold’s group Roma People Bridging Group

Stephen Schlarb is now a member of Mission Crossroads PC(USA)

Eleanor Wright posted an event

sheba telore, sheba telore and Hemant K Tandi joined Mission Crossroads PC(USA)

Cody U Watson commented on Cody U Watson’s group India Network

Maureen b hill is now a member of Mission Crossroads PC(USA)

Anita Coleman added a discussion to the group India Network

Anita Coleman commented on Cody U Watson’s group India Network

Anita Coleman updated their profile